FTC 2020 Skystone Robot

State Champinship Robot for the 2020 FIRST Tech Challenge.

This challenge involved stacking interlocking blocks into towers, with bonuses being awarded as the towers got taller.

I designed and fabricated the drivetrain, elevator, and stacking arm for the robot. I typically had problems with designing linear motion systems with pulleys and was determined to finally make a problem-free pulley system. I allocated space for an active tensioner and cut helical grooves into the spools to prevent the nylon cable from tangling. To reduce power loss through gears and pulleys, I built fully-enclosed gearboxes as we had issues with lubrication loss on previous iterations.

Shown is a picture of the incomplete robot, around 2 weeks before the competition. Unfortunately, the state championship was canceled soon after, and I never got to take a picture of its final form.

Also my first time forcing myself to be organized in CAD and categorizing the mechanisms into subassemblies, a habit that has become second nature to me.
